Brownbill are registered with Care Quality Commission (CQC) for delivery of personal care and is required to provide evidence that the service provided to clients is:
- Safe
- Effective
- Responsive
- Caring
- Well led
CQC regulate all health and adult social care providers in England to inspect whether or not essential standards of safety and quality are being met. They will monitor compliance with these standards.
BABICM (British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management)
Competency framework for case managers and standards for case management practice
BABICM is the representative body providing a structure for the continued professional advancement of case management and promoting best practice to address and manage the needs of people with brain injury and other complex conditions.
Case Management Society UK (CMSUK)
Code of Ethics and Conduct in Case Management Practice
Case management has a broad remit in the provision of rehabilitation and services to clients. The case manager initially identifies needs with a client and makes recommendations to meet these needs. The case manager would then work with the client to agree and implement plans with the clients to achieve their best outcomes. It is acknowledged that case management practice varies by individual clients, differing models of provision, and professional background of the case manager. However, this code of ethics and conduct applies to all case management practice.
Standards and Best Practice Guidelines
A key function of CMSUK is to support its members in pursuing practice of the highest standard. By providing guidance material, information and advice, its objective is to raise the quality and effectiveness of case management services delivered in the United Kingdom. These standards build on the original “standards of practice, conduct for case managers” (CMSUK 2001/2) and then the first edition of the Standards of Practice (CMSUK 2005). This second edition has not changed in essence from the first edition, it is just bringing certain aspects up to date.
Cardinal management
Cardinal Management provides direction and guidance in times of need to people and organisations.
CM supports patients who have suffered complex injuries and who might benefit from advice, support, rehabilitation or guidance. Their services are designed to ensure patients and their families can gain rapid access to all available services from public / state, charity and private sectors that might help them make the best possible recovery.
Brownbill are accredited by Cardinal Management.